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A: The mother continues to berate the father and demand that she ‘have’ the child, despite being told repeatedly that the father is en route to her house and will arrive there soon.

B: Fourteen minutes after stating she was still at the police station and needed to “tell the cops they can go home,” the mother is now claiming she is at the Terrace Mall and is physically searching for the child. This despite the fact that she has been repeatedly informed that the father is en route to her own home and has been provided video evidence of the child’s well being. She has absolutely no reason to believe that the child is still at the Terrace Mall. She also now begins utilizing overwrought emotional language, demanding to know, “Where is my son?” when she is fully aware of TJ’s whereabouts.


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Closing Thoughts

     It is perhaps no surprise that these events immediately presaged…

Page 3

A: Upon exiting the theater and powering on his phone,…

Page 15

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