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A: Despite the father’s verbal assurances and video evidence that all is well with TJ, the mother at this point escalates the situation with implicit threats – specifically that there are witnesses and authorities that have become “involved” in the matter. One wonders if the alleged witnesses are aware that the matter concerns a father who had taken his son to a G-rated Disney movie and turned off his cell phone for a grand total of three hours.

B: At this point the father attempts to explain that he can’t communicate via text messages while she continually calls him every one to two minutes, and again attempts to reassure the mother that he and the child will be at her home at 5:30 (indicating they will be arriving at her home in one hour and 26 minutes). In between these messages, the mother pleads for the father to call her “if it’s the last thing he does.” Given the subtext of these events, this is either genuinely histrionic with no cause, or a transparent attempt to manufacture emotional duress that simply does not exist. There is no evidence to suggest anything the father does will be the last thing he does.


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